Techno Infonet

Did you know birthdays are meant to be celebrated as they are the gift of life, given to us by the Universal Spirit? Techno Infonet does believe in celebrating the birthday of employees to make them feel special and remind them that it?s only natural

Did you know birthdays are meant to be celebrated as they are the gift of life, given to us by the Universal Spirit?

Techno Infonet does believe in celebrating the birthday of employees to make them feel special and remind them that it’s only natural to get insightful and thoughtful as they pass their annual milestone.

On 10th January, we had the birthday of one of our employees Hirak Sheth, and being an opportunist, we can never leave a chance to make merry. So, first in the morning, we wished Hirak through emails, sending heart melting wishes. Later in the evening, we made him wear the birthday cap and while he cut the fresh Pineapple cake specially ordered for him, we all sang the birthday song which made him blush. Then after, we gave him a birthday card which contained wishes and signatures of the entire team, as a small gift to him.

Remember, birthdays are the best time to celebrate the beauty and blessing of life!