Techno Infonet

“Imagine with mind, believe with heart, and Achieve with might”. At Techno Infonet all the employees are provided with motivation by Employee of the month award, which is awarded every month depending on various factors and their immense dedication and determination towards their work.

“Imagine with mind, believe with heart, and Achieve with might”

At Techno Infonet all the employees are provided with motivation by Employee of the month award, which is awarded every month depending on various factors and their immense dedication and determination towards their work.

For the month of November 2019, Employee of the month award was given to Hirak Sheth, “Sr. PHP Developer” from the PHP Development department. He receives this award for 6th time. Throughout the month, his dedication and initiatives were highly appreciated. He’s been great with his team working, time management skills and also taken some good initiatives which have help the company. Truly, he’s the soul asset for our company.

He has received the certificate of “Diligent Performer of Month” along with a Dinner voucher and many other benefits from the company.

We congratulated him to receive this award for 6 times and best wishes to keep performing the same as “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, and persistence.”