Techno Infonet

“There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better”

From schooling to office life, or may be more we are surrounded by some beautiful people whom we never want to lose. We always want them in our good and bad times both, who at times becomes a shoulder to lean, becomes a hand to hold, becomes smile to cherish, and tears in sorrow. They are none other than our Friends.

Friendship is an unsinkable ship and a bond that can never be broken. Seeking an importance of friends in our lives, so does the world, by celebrating friendship day every year on the 1st Sunday of the month of August.

Techno Infonet too knows the importance of friendship in lives and thus celebrated Friendship Day on 4th Aug 2017. All of us were dressed in blue to add some colors to the occasion. Later in the evening, we had Maggie party and a small game organized by our HR. The game goes something like this: each employee has to pick up the chits and whosoever names come, will have to speak something about that person. Well, we all got to know each other’s views and thinking and this made us realize how deeply and truly our colleagues know about us.

In the end, we all selfied and captured all wonderful moments which became our life long memory.

“Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which increases with the setting sun of life. – Jean de La Fontaine”