Techno Infonet

The game is always one of the best refreshment sources to free from work-related stress. It not just refreshes the employee‘s mood but also helps in releasing all the stress, which in turn contributes to good health. So, at Techno Infonet, our HR plans some interesting games on every 2nd and 4th working Saturday to make the employees feel refreshed and stress-free along with creating a good office environment.

This time our HR decided to play Housie. We all were made to gather in one place. This game required distributing tickets to each and every team member who would be playing the game. The tickets were sold for 20Rs each. Once the amount was collected, the price money for every row and the full house was decided accordingly. The main rule for the game was that the numbers that were being called out had to be marked off, provided they are there in your ticket.

The following were the winning points :

1st row: Whomsoever marks off all the called numbers in the first row wins a prize money.

2nd row: Whomsoever marks off all the called numbers in the second row wins a prize money.

3rd row: Whomsoever marks off all the called numbers in the third row wins a prize money.

Corners: Whomsoever marks off all the called numbers in the first row wins a prize money.

The full house: Whomsoever marks off all the called numbers in the ticket wins a huge prize money.

There was one teammate who called out numbers one by one. The entire team members were quite curious as to which would be the next number and who would be winning the prize money. All the team members really enjoyed this game along with lip-smacking snacks. We selfied all the beautiful and fun moments.